Dr Allwel Orji Was A Sickler Who Suffered From Incessant Seizures.

Dr Allwell Orji who committed Sucide by plunging into the third mainland bridge is alleged a sickler who has been battling with recurrent seizures, coupled with the societal stigma and discrimination

A friend of the deceased who wants to remain anonymous disclosed that Dr Orji was an introvert because he was a sickler who suffered from seizure attacks thus, preferred keeping to himself.

He uses a driver because the seizure comes at any time. And the social stigma from the recurrent seizure attacks was too high for him to bear.

He further disclosed that Dr Orji wanted to do residency in Surgery so he could become a Consultant, he wrote the exam and passed but was denied the opportunity because Hospital management felt he could not cope with the stress.

He wasn’t really on social media because he was quite antisocial thus, his profile and pictures were not on the internet. So from all indications, i think it was a case of severe depression that was poorly managed thus, he felt hopeless due to the challenges and decided to end it in a Lagoon”.