Parents Of 2 Year Old Refuses Surgery To Remove Cancerous Tumour Because They Hope For Alternative Medicine Cure.

A 23-month-old toddler was reportedly diagnosed with caner nine months ago following a biopsy at Srinakarin Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

Khondej has since undergone a series of chemotherapy treatments and now surgeons want to operate to remove part of his brain, cheekbone and jaw.

But his family, despite painful swelling around his head, his family won’t consent to any surgical intervention – because they hope alternative medicine will find a cure.

Speaking about her decision, the child’s mother is reported as saying: ‘We don’t want our son to go through any more painful procedures.

‘He has suffered enough already.’

Specifically, she claims he has already endured seven sessions of intravenous chemotherapy, but they have failed to eradicate the cancer.

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of the family, the boy’s aunt added: ‘We really want people to try to help us.