Mother’s Heavy Heart As She Awaits Son’s Execution In Texas.

Paul Storey who regrets being involved in a crime where a man lost his life is scheduled to be executed in Texas on April 12, 2017 for the murder of Jonas Cherry.
Paul Storey has come to terms with the fact that he may be executed.
 Paul Storey
His mother, Marilyn Shankle-Grant, was devastated that her child was involved in someone’s death, yet she and her family have never lost the love for her son. A small part of their experience was published recently, here, by The Marshall Project.

Not long ago Marilyn lost her job, and she needs to be able to focus on her family and help her son and herself get through the coming weeks.


 This effort seeks to help cover the costs of her rental car, eight-hour round trip drive, gas, food and two nights in a hotel room each week for six weeks. (Texas does not allow visits two days in a row, so she plans to visit, stay two nights, visit again and then drive home.) We are also raising funds for funeral expenses..


Marilyn wrote: Creation of life is a blessing not everyone receives. But those who are so blessed understand the responsibility that comes with it. And no one understands that responsibility more than a mother. To provide for our children we go above and beyond doing not what we want but what is necessary. I have shouldered all that I can emotionally and physically to protect my son. I protect my son with my presence. But my love and devotion to my son are not matched by the resources needed to make the trip as often as I am allowed to visit him.

With a heavy heart I turn to my fellow human light to ask you to help me help my son face the darkness as his destruction approaches.
I ask for your help with two things: financial support and also your prayers for my son, myself, our family, as well as for the family of his victim, Jonas Cherry, and the prison workers charged with taking his life. Thank you.