Chinese Man With Strong Sex Drive Wants Testicles Removed.

A middle aged man in central China is desperate to have his testicles removed by all means.

The unidentified man, claimed he has a high libido which he cannot control.

The doctor who rejected his request quickly called the police for assistance.

According to a report on Xiaoxiang Morning Post, the man went to Changsha Sunshine Hospital and looked for Dr Wu Yin’e at the infertility department.

He told a reporter from Xiaoxiang that he had previously attended Dr Wu’s online courses and decided to ask for her help.

However, Dr Wu was having a class with few female patients at the time.

‘He just came in and told me he has a very strong sex drive and he wanted to remove his testicles,’ Dr Wu recalled.

She transferred him to Dr Wang Xiang at the Andrology department.

Dr Wang said the man appeared to be hyper active and insisting on an orchidectomy, a surgical operation to remove testicles.