Big Brother Naija Teaches Immorality And Should Be Ban.

“We have culture and tradition in this country that we must not allow to die.

“The Federal Government, through the Minister of Information and Culture, needs to reconsider the implications of Big Brother Naija on our culture and youths.

“The content of Big Brother Naija reality show is alien to our culture. This show is contrary to the rich cultural values we are trying to promote and bring to the front burner.

“It is sad that our young children including adults are made to watch such content. This kind of programme promotes obscenity and immorality.

“I think the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission (NBC) should, without delay, stop this programme if this government means business in the promotion of our cultural values.

“The show does not add any value to our education, social and economic life. It is a big mockery of Nigerian culture and tradition,’’ Olulade said.

According to him, the government should swing into action through NBC to put an end to the airing of the programme before it causes serious damage to our culture.