Dead Teenager Wakes Up On The Way To Be Buried

Kumar Marewad, 17, a teenager believed to have died after being bitten by a stray dog woke up on the way to his funeral.

He came down with a high fever after the dog bite and his condition deteriorated after being brought to hospital in the Dharwad area of India.

Doctors had told relatives to expect the worse as an infection had spread throughout his body.

After hours on a life support machine, Kumar’s family decided to take him home for his final moments.

According to Kumar’s family, including parents Ningappa and Manjula, he eventually stopped moving or breathing for some time and they presumed he was dead.

They had asked villagers to prepare for his funeral and had carried Kumar two kilometres when he suddenly opened his eyes, started breathing and moved his hands and legs.

The teenager was rushed to hospital where he remains on a ventilator.

Dr Mahesh Neelakhantannavar said: “We suspect he suffers from meningoencephalitis, an infection caused due to dog bite.”

Kumar’s parents expressed relief at his apparent recovery and told how he had given up school to support his family.

Times of India