University Professor Goes To Jail For Illicit Sexual Act.

Professor Festus Kolo, a lecturer at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, has been sentenced to two months in prison for enticing a married woman.

The conviction was without an option of fine.

In his judgement, Justice Clara Ogunbiyi held that the appellant had failed to dispel the prosecution evidence that linked him to the offence.

“It is ironical and intriguing that a counsel for the appellant who described the act of his client as condemnable and detestable, could in another tone dismiss the same act simply as mere allegation.

“It was stated that the appellant had been warned severally by the husband of the woman both face to face and on phone to stay away from her.

“He had refused to heed until he was caught red handed with the woman in a hotel room.

“The appellant according to the evidence before the court had left his place and travelled for up to four hundred kilometres from Zaria to Dutse to pursue his illicit sexual act”, the judge said.

She further averred that “it was alleged further that the appellant was arrested by the Police in the hotelroom and later charged to court for enticing the married woman. This alleged offence is contrary to Section 389 of the Penal Code.

Ogunbiyi held that from the foregoing, the lower court could not be faulted to have affirmed the conviction and sentence of the appellant, adding that this was done in accordance with strict compliance with summary trial procedure by the successive lower courts.

The judge therefore held that the appeal was devoid of any merit.

“The concurrent judgments of the lower courts are endorsed while the conviction and sentence of the appellant by the lower court is also affirmed by me.

“The appeal is dismissed and the judgment of the lower court is affirmed by this court”, she said.