Amateur Footballer James Moorfoot Dies While Playing On The Pitch.

This is really a sad news.

A footballer has died while playing in a match in East Yorkshire.

James Moorfoot had been playing for Langtoft AFC on a pitch in Rudston, near Driffield, when he collapsed on Saturday.

The air ambulance was called but Mr Moorfoot died at the scene.

Officials at the amateur club said they were “numb with grief” but said the player died “doing what he loved, in the village he loved, surrounded by the people who loved him”.

The Hull Daily Mail is reporting Mr Moorfoot was an English teacher at Hornsea School and Language College.

Everyone associated with Langtoft Football Club, past and present, sends their love and condolences at this difficult time.”

Yorkshire Ambulance Service said a number of paramedics and the air ambulance were called to the ground.

A spokeswoman said: “Despite everyone’s efforts the patient sadly died at the scene

Source BBC