Emirates flight Drunk Passenger To Be Sentenced Next Month.

Khalid Mir was alleged became so drunk and aggressive during a flight on board Emirates from Dubai to Birmingham, that the cabin crew were forced to restrain him by putting a mask over his mouth and tying him to the seat.

The 39-year-old, who has over 50 previous convictions, was said threw drinks over other passengers, spitting at them.

Birmingham Magistrates Court heard Mir became involved in an altercation with a female passenger just half an hour into the seven hour Emirates flight.

He was repeatedly asked to calm down, but his behaviour became more ‘disorderly and threatening’ and the crew were forced to restrain him by tying his hands and feet together ‘for the protection of other passengers’.

Mir, of Havelock Road, Saltley, pleaded guilty to being drunk on board an aircraft and failing to obey the lawful command of the pilot.

Colin Phillips, prosecuting, said: “The defendant consumed a few drinks before boarding the aircraft and also purchased three bottles of vodka from duty free.

“He also shared a bottle with a friend.

“Just half an hour into the flight, the defendant became involved in an altercation with a female passenger.

“Cabin crew repeatedly asked him to calm down but his behaviour became more disorderly and threatening.

“The captain then issued the defendant with a formal warning but his disorderly behaviour continued.

“It was at this point that it was felt necessary to restrain the defendant.

“He was taken to the back of the aircraft, where he was tied to a seat.

“His hands and feet were tied together and a mask placed over his face, for the protection of other passengers.’

Aatif Riaz, defending, said the married father’s behaviour was ‘not prolonged’ because he had been restrained.

Mir will be sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court on March 8.

Source: The Sun