Women Angry With Trump’s “grab them by the p****” comments.

Few hours after swearing in president Donald Trump, protesters are heading to Washington D.C to join the women’s march.

Pictures and video shows women and men donning ‘p***y hats’ and t-shirts emblazoned with pro-women slogans on planes from across the USA.

In one of the flights, almost 90% of passengers were heading to the rally.

A flight from Seattle was packed with women wearing pink hats, in response to Trump’s “grab them by the p****” comments.

One of the women was wearing a t-shirt that read “Nasty Women” after Trump used the insult to describe rival Hilary Clinton.

Donald Trump’s supporters may have wept in the National Mall as he was sworn in, but so were his opponents outside as police doused them with pepper spray.

There were cheers as he pledged to “put America first” but nearby there was the sound of smashed windows and wailing sirens as more than 95 ­protesters were arrested for rioting. Three officers injured.
