Donald Trump Now US President

“The oath of office I take today is the oath of allegiance to all Americans,” The was Donald Trump president speaking when he was been sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on Friday.

He succeeded Barack Obama.

Trunp, wearing a dark suit with red tie, is taking control of America in a transition of power that he has declared will lead to “America First” policies at home and abroad.

The president  and First lady, Melania Trump, clad in a classic-styled, powder blue ensemble, then headed into the White House for a meeting with Obama and his wife, Michelle.

Trump raised his right hand and put his left on a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln and repeated a 35-word oath of office from the U.S. Constitution, with U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts presiding.

His oath of office was administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Mike Pence was also sworn-in as the 48th Vice President of the U.S.

Trump, in his inaugural address, thanked former president Obama and former First Lady for “being gracious to see the transition went smoothly.

“We are not taking power from one president to the other or from one party to the other but we are taking power from Washington to you, the people.

“January 20, 2017 will go into history as a day that the people become the president of this country again,” Trump added.

He pledged that the people would  be the focus of his administration  stressing that he would be the president of all Americans.