Gambia’s Vice President Resigns.

The Vice President in Gambia, Isatou Njie Saidy, has resigned.

Saidy abandoned President Yahya Jammeh,  less than 24 hours to the deadline issued to him by African leaders to hand over to opposition leader, Adama Barrow.

The development is coming same day the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science, Technology and Religious Affairs, Abubacar Senghore, abandoned Jammeh.

He is the eighth cabinet member‎ to resign.

Earlier, Nigerian soldiers and warship were sent to the Gambia

to terminate the 22-year old leadership of President Jammeh who lost the December 1 election but has vowed not to hand over power  when his term runs out.

Jammeh, who was defeated by Adams Barrow first conceded defeat but later changed his mind citing irregularities.

He has since challenged the results in court but has suffered several setbacks.

Nigerian leader, Muhammadu Buhari was appointed chief mediator in the Gambia by ECOWAS but all attempts to convince Jammeh to leave power peacefully after 22 long years failed.