Gambia’s Lawmakers Extends Jammeh’s Term.

The Gambia’s parliament has extended President Yahya Jammeh’s term, which is due to end on Thursday following his defeat in elections, by 90 days.

It also approved his decision to declare a 90-day state of emergency in the tiny West African state.

Regional leaders have threatened to use military force to oust Mr Jammeh if he refuses to hand power to President-elect Adama Barrow on Thursday.

Thousands of UK and Dutch tourists are being evacuated from The Gambia.

The country is popular with European holidaymakers because of its beaches.

The Gambia was plunged into crisis after Mr Jammeh rejected Mr Barrow’s shock victory in the  December 1 election.

Jammeh Regional leaders have been unsuccessfully trying to persuade him to step down.

Nigeria has deployed a warship to put further pressure on Mr Jammeh to step down. Regional bloc Ecowas, the Economic Community of West African States, has prepared a Senegal-led force but maintains that military intervention would be a last resort.