Woman Intestines Bursted Poisoning Her Body With Faeces.

Petra Nolan, from Crayford, Kent, has revealed how she was given just two hours to live after her intestines split open and poisoned her body with faeces.

She was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when her bowel split, leaking its contents into her body, in 2008.

She was Bedbound in hospital for 99 days, and struggled to recuperate with  weight  just 7 stone 3lbs – tiny for her 5ft 6ins frame.

Nine years on, Petra has survived and made an incredible recovery, even fulfilling her dream of becoming a competitive bodybuilder .

After her devastating Crohn’s diagnosis, the 46-year-old civil servant successfully managed her disease through diet and exercise.

But then she was hit by another bombshell – that she may have lung cancer.

But after she was given the all clear from her lung problems, in January 2013, she trained for a year to build up her core strength.

Now, fit and healthy, Petra trains at competition level and has been placed among the top 24 women in the country.

She said: “I’d had a couple of years of hell. I’ve gone from twice thinking I’m not going to make it to achieving bodybuilding fame.”

Petra, who is married to fellow bodybuilder Kevin, 41, had battled with digestive problems and stomach pains for 15 years before being diagnosed with Crohn’s, a long-term illness that causes inflammation of the intestines.


Source: Mirror